Feel Abundant Love
Discover the abundant love around you, let it in, and bask in its wonder.
We often only see the love we have learned to see. In this course, you will learn how to see and experience love in so many forms that you will realize you live in an ocean of love.
You will learn how to see and experience at least 16 core styles of love.

Share Your Love So Others Feel It
Learn how others receive love and know how to present your love so they get it.
How does it feel when others do not get your love? You love so much and they just don't seem to feel it. This is one of the biggest heartbreaking experiences in our relationships.
In this course, you will learn how to understand the style of love your partner rejoices in and learn how to give your love in the form they recognize.
You will learn how to present love in at least 16 different styles.
Feel the Flow
Experience how love can feel effortless.
Relationships are hard work sometimes. I know, because I have been married for over 30 years and have worked therapeutically with couples during those three decades.
I wish I could say I did it all perfectly. However, sometimes it is pain that leads us to innovative solutions and non-judgemental empathy for all the suffering relationships can go through.
Even though relationships can have difficulties, we can learn how to make our relationships flow with more ease. We can enhance the good spaces. And we can smooth out the rough places.
In this course, you will learn how tensions arise in relationships and how to address them so you can enjoy the flow of love in your relationships.
These enhanced skills will benefit any relationship: couples, family, children, work, and even casual socializing.

Join this transformational journey of Love, Relationship, and Flow.
Randy F.
“Kim's workshop was great! The information was organized, well-presented, and encouraged open dialogue between couples and other attendees. We really enjoyed our weekend event, and we can recommend Kim’s courses without hesitation.”
Ryan Marvin
"If you have a chance to attend a seminar that Kim is leading, don't
hesitate! His approach, personality, and charisma are authentic, caring, and very relatable. I appreciated that he is practicing what he teaches with no pretense that he has everything figured out. That is an approach
I trust."
Kevin Cope
"I wholeheartedly recommend Kim as a coach or seminar leader. I have learned from several years of interaction with him that he can be trusted to have my best interests at heart. I'm also impressed with his ability and skill to not only coach me on personal issues but business challenges as well."
Meet Your Instructor
Kim Barta is an internationally recognized workshop creator, lecturer, and psychotherapist. He is known for his precision, skill, and vivacious presentations. Click the video to see if this course feels right for you.
Sign Up!Meg C.
"What makes Kim's seminars so impactful is the genuine authenticity that he has. You have no doubt that he deeply cares about you and is interested in helping you become your best self."
Karen P.
I have worked Kim for many years, both one on one and in workshops. He has been the most impactful therapist, guide and coach I have ever worked with. His power comes from his many years of lived experience and wisdom, both professionally and personally, coupled with his unique gift of knowing how to meet you where you are and expertly support and guide you in your own healing and growth. He brings no ego nor agenda other than simply wanting to help you find greater peace and happiness.
Mary Maxfield
In Love, Relationship, and Flow, you will get:
- 62 video lessons taught by Kim Barta, including:
- Video Lessons on each style of Love.
- Video Lessons on each structure of relationships.
- Video lessons on enhancing flow (and what blocks it).
- Kim's 216-page book, Love, Relationship, and Flow, that covers the ideas presented in the video courses (and more).
- Kim's Love, Relationship, and Flow application Journal for enhancing your personal journey and growth.
- A printable chart for understanding love and relationship patterns.
- A printable chart for enhancing flow in your relationships.
Discover better relationships with anyone you choose.
This relationship enhancement course will benefit any relationship. Whether you are interested in improving your love relationship, a business partnership, employees, neighbors, family of origin, friendships, Love, Relationship, And Flow will show you how to make any of these relationships work better.
Buy Now!Mariah Alexis
"Kim's approach never carries ego or an agenda but is singularly focused on what will help you find greater peace and happiness in life. And who doesn't long for that!"
Get Kim's deep dive year-long Love, Relationship and Flow course:
Kim also provides a year-long deep-dive live online group course. In this high-end master class, you are part of a dedicated group of people from around the world, all working together to create better relationships in their lives. To learn more about it, click here.
"I would recommend anything that Kim is involved in because I trust him. I
trust him to approach me honestly, with thoughtfulness, and with a desire to
genuinely help."
Kristiina Krank
I am thrilled reading your manual and looking at the videos from your love and relational course.It is so rich, like a manual of life. I have so much fun realizing my own preferences styles, the ones I have been rejecting and where I bump into problems in relationships. With your material there is such a bounty of clarity, possibilities and love in abundance opening up. It becomes like a spontaneous healing and cleaning up just recognizing what you are pointing to. And I already making adjustments I could not dream of.
So much Love and Gratitude
“Compassion. Awareness. Play. Creativity. Presence. Honor. Intuition. Strength. Laughter. Sensitivity. Intelligence. Understanding. Respect.
These and so many other words describe my experience of Kim Barta during the years I have known him. More than just exhibiting these qualities himself, though, he is committed to supporting the emergence of these qualities in others. I feel fortunate, blessed even, that I’ve had the opportunity to participate in his workshops and private coaching/mentoring sessions with him. He has been an invaluable guide, consistently and sensitively orienting me toward my own experience and knowledge. And at the same time, he’s been an innovative teacher, always willing to answer questions and share his considerable understanding of integral models of human development, which is based on decades of his counseling, coaching, parenting, and personal experience. Our forays into more profound, more authentic ways of ‘Being’ have not only been a pleasure but also a treasure of immeasurable value to me. I couldn’t recommend Kim more highly!”
Get Kim's deep dive year-long Love, Relationship and Flow course:
Kim also provides a year-long deep-dive live online group course. In this high-end master class, you are part of a dedicated group of people from around the world, all working together to create better relationships in their lives. To learn more about it, click here.